I have used the "Cheap Woke" brand and while it's fine, the actual handle of the Jeremy's razor is MUCH more sturdy and heavy. Really a high quality razor. While these are more expensive by a good margin, they are also better by a good margin. The blades seem to last longer and they are more comfortable. Finally, if you are patient, and don't mind just buying once per year, their Black Friday deal puts them almost in the same league as the woke cheapie.
Needed replacement for my original Jeremy's Razor. This set fits the bill!
This Next Gen Razor Blade is excellent. Really enjoying that the blade and handle have a good balance, are resilient, and stay sharp as one would expect.
It provides a nice smooth quality shave.
Smooth shave! Happy with my purchase.
Take up arms.
Choose the razor right for you.
Set the pace.
Set your frequency based on your shave habits.
Receive excellence.
Vanquish your stubble. Woke-free.